Anti-Ubiquitous Learning: A New Learning Paradigm

N. Amano (Japan)


Anti-ubiquitous learning, Ubiquitous learning, Mobile Learning, E-Learning, LMS


Anti-ubiquitous learning refers to learning that is performed by individual learners at specified times and locations, and is a new paradigm for regular university students to learn the basics of scholarship at universities in a time where higher education has become universal. More specifically, the students themselves specify the schedule and location of learning, and create the circumstances where “learning can only occur at the specified locations at the specified time” by using information and communication technology (ICT). This promotes more efficient and more substantial learning by giving the learners the appropriate level of stress, and making them embrace a proactive learning attitude and systematic learning habits. This paper describes the basic concepts of and basic specifications of systemization of anti-ubiquitous learning, and discusses the effectiveness of anti-ubiquitous learning through related work.

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