P. Emiliozzi (Italy)
Blended learning, Online Education, E-Pedagogy, Lisrel.
The evolution of the web has made available information sharing tools that have gradually become easily accessible and increasingly affordable for teachers and professors: personal websites, video sharing applications, forums, social networks, etc. The activities carried out mainly regarded the investigation and use of the above mentioned tools, and an assessment of how they can be integrated with traditional teaching methods [1]. Starting from an analysis of the existing scenario, mainly with reference to the Chairs of Electronics of several Italian universities and to some foreign examples of excellence (MIT, Yale, Stanford), I decided to experiment how the web could support traditional lecture-based teaching. The results thereby achieved were assessed both in quantitative terms and with regard to exam performances, and were compared to the above-mentioned foreign experiences. This allowed me to draw conclusions on the actual use and effectiveness of such teaching supporting tools and to propose ways of approaching them for teachers and professors that have never used them before.
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