An Integrated System for Submission, Assessment, Feedback and Publication of Online Digital Portfolios

Á. Figueira, C. Félix, and C. Ferreira (Portugal)


Digital portfolios, Moodle, Template-based system, SPD.


Digital portfolios have recently assumed an increasing importance in e-learning. In this article we report an integrated system that can be used to publish online projects undertaken by students during their courses. The system was then integrated with the Moodle learning management system featuring the possibility to create, evaluate, publish and maintain digital portfolios assigned and corrected by the institution faculty. This integrated process ensures a high quality level of the projects registered. The system uses information imported from Moodle’s database to fill in its own database for users, courses and propagates the existing session between the two systems. It also maintains the projects in specific development phases, thus, allowing asynchronous editing, assessing or commenting on projects by different students or teachers. The creation of a new project is boosted by the use of a set of pre-defined templates which in turn give a standard layout and design quality to the final view of the project.

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