A Model Proposal for the Investigation of End Users' Satisfaction of the Usage of an e-Learning Platform

A.M. Braccini, S. Za, and A. D'Atri (Italy)


End users’ perception, Web based education, e-learning platform, Moodle.


Moodle is an Open Source e-learning platform used by a large and stable community of users and developers for web based education. This paper analyzes the perceived quality of end users of such a platform. The analysis is done by using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, a second generation causal modeling statistical technique, and is aimed to provide a model that describes end users’ perception on the platform described in terms of Usability, Functionality, Reliability, Efficiency, Quality in Use, Users Experience, and Usage Intensity. The investigation has been made on a sample of students that have used the Moodle for 6 months. The paper adopts an explorative perspective and aims to study the main factors that affect users’ perception of quality. The analysis shows that the final users feel themselves satisfied with the platform, but only functionality and quality in use seems to positively affect the perceived quality.

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