Barriers in Modern Web-based Education

J. Rutkowski and K. Moscinska (Poland)


Web-based learning, blended education and training, quality issues of Web-based education, testing and assessment.


Web-based blended learning at Silesian University of Technology, Poland, is supported by integrated elearning service called Distant Education Platform (DEP). The authors discuss general framework concerning DEP and present the ideas of DEP-based knowledge delivery. Introduction of modern technologies has changed education process significantly. The quality of courses supported by DEP has been improved, the number of services has increased and the teachers’ workload has been reduced. Nevertheless, the number of courses that have been fully transformed into blended version is insufficient. There are many barriers to successful implementation of web-based learning - technical, mental and pedagogical. In the paper the authors present comprehensive list of potential barriers, and give some guidelines how to overcome them.

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