A System for Recording and Sharing Unexpected Problem Behaviors in Youth using Web Cameras

N. Masahito, N. Masaki, A. Masahiro, and U. Maomi (Japan)


Special Needs Education, Collaboration, Database, WebCamera, Knowledge Sharing


We have developed a special-needs education case data base system that is able to gather data on cases of children's problem behavior in the classroom using Web cameras, and allow it to be stored and shared on the Web. This new system has the following merits. (1) Recording with the Web camera can be initiated using a wireless mouse during a class, and video is stored retroactively on the server from 20 seconds earlier. In this way, problem behavior in children, which usually occurs unexpectedly, can be captured in good time. (2) The video recorded by the Web camera allows the problem behavior to be recorded accurately on an electronic chart, even if the teacher's memory is uncertain. (3) Up to four Web cameras can be used with the system, so the problem behavior can be recorded from several angles. This allows problem behaviors that may be difficult to capture from a single angle to be recorded more accurately in the electronic chart. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this system through assessment experiments. We also show its practicality through an operational trial in the classroom.

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