Trajectory Tracking Control of Mobile Robot Moving Along Wall using Single Laser Range Finder

S. Furuno, K. Yanagi, M. Kobayashi, and G. Hirano (Japan)


Mobile Robot, Trajectory Tracking Control, Wall, Obstacle, Laser Range Finder


In this study, a trajectory tracking control method of a mobile robot moving along a wall is proposed. The trajectory tracking control method consists of three control methods. The first one is a method that controls the mobile robot to move along a wall maintained constant. The second one is a method that controls the mobile robot to move along a wall in case of the wall direction changes. The third one is obstacle avoidance on a path. To measure a distance between the mobile robot and the wall, the changing direction of the wall and obstacles, we use a laser range finder. We developed a mobile robot which has two-driven wheels and the LRF to confirm the proposed method.

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