A Robust State Predictive Control Framework for Tele-Robotics

B. Marinescu and F. Colledani (France)


Tele-operation, Predictive control, Robust control,Predictor


In this paper, it is proposed a robust predictive control scheme for tele-operation systems. It is a linear control based on a separation between the actions of prediction and control which allows a better trade-off between the compensation of the transmission delays and the robustness of the closed-loop. Robustness is improved especially against the uncertain transmission delays but the proposed control strategy is an open framework which also allows the improvement of the robustness at other important levels for tele-operation: better tolerate model uncertainties and disturbances. Moreover, in comparison with the Model Based Predictive Control methodology currently used to compensate the negative effect of transmission delays, the approach presented here presents also implementation advantages for the master/slave structure used in tele-operation since it does not require any approximation of the reference signal introduced at the master level. This frame work will have to be compared to the method of “the wave variables”, but we think that the controller design is more flexible, which allows one to achieve better performances and robustness.

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