Using a Predictive Graphical User Interface to Improve Tower Crane Performance

J. Vaughan (Japan), A. Smith, and W. Singhose (USA)


Vibration Control, User Interfaces, Input Shaping, CraneControl


Operating tower cranes is very challenging because the payload significantly lags behind the control input and undergoes large amplitude swinging. While significant work has been directed at reducing payload swing, little effort has been placed on reducing the time lag. There is good reason for neglecting the time lag; it cannot be eliminated. The time lag is a result of the physical limitations of the crane motors, coupled with the very large masses and iner tias of tower cranes and their payloads. Good crane operators become accustomed to the time lag and develop the skill to start decelerating the crane well before the desired stopping location. This paper presents a control method that aids the human operator by graphically displaying a prediction of where the crane will stop. This predictive element is combined with an input-shaping controller to reduce the payload swing. Experimental results show that the proposed control system significantly improves tower crane performance.

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