Classification of Eye Movement Potentials using Time Frequency Analysis

R. Sudirman, W.M. Bukhari, and W. Daud (Malyasia)


Electro-oculograph, Eye Movement, Signal Potentials


This paper demonstrates the classification of Electro Oculograph (EOG) signals of the eye movement. EOG is a method to detect the signal potentials from the eye movement characteristic. The EOG signals are captured using electrodes placed on the forehead around the eyes to record the eye movements. Five participant’s eye movements were recorded. This technique is adapted because it is non-invasive, inexpensive and accurate. The new technology enhancement has allowed the EOG signals captured using the Neurofax EEG-9200. The recorded data is composed of an eye movement toward four directions, i.e. upward, downward, left and right. The EOG signal is processed using time frequency analysis for feature extraction. The data measured displayed a different type of potential signals related to the eye movement characteristic. The software with a graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed to classify the data using MATLAB.

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