Traceability of Software Specifications: A Relational Schema based Model

D. Majumdar and S. Bhattacharya (India)


Traceability, Relational-Model, Referential-Integrity, Functional Requirement, DFD, Structure-Chart, Function, User-Defined-Tokens.


Traceability of Software Requirements Specifications is an established area of research in the field of Software Engineering. The main idea behind this is that both the end-users as well as the developers need to verify and validate their requirements against the delivered product for conformity and compliance. This paper takes up the problem of specifying rules aimed at establishing consistency among the software development models using a Relational Model. Our approach of establishing traceability and consistency also extends to the implementation level as well. By proposing a relational model with referential-integrity constraints, we have enforced consistency between various software development models. The latter part of our paper demonstrates the relational-model and a query-model that depicts clearly the trace-relationships among various components of the various phases of the SDLC.

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