Development of Parametrical Regulation Theory on the Basis of One Class Computable General Equilibrium Models

A.A. Ashimov, B.T. Sultanov, Zh.M. Adilov, Yu.V. Borovskiy, N.Yu. Borovskiy, and As.A. Ashimov (Republic of Kazakhstan)


CGE models, parametrical regulation, and extremal bifurcation.


The paper presents some results of the development of parametrical regulation theory elements taking into consideration CGE models peculiarities. The effectiveness of parametrical regulation theory application on the example of one of CGE model is shown. There have been suggested optimal laws of parametrical regulation (on the level of one or two parameters) of economical system development on the basis of the examined mathematical model. The bifurcation line for the given area of uncontrolled parameters values is constructed.

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