Towards Case-based Reasoning for Maritime Anomaly Detection: A Positioning Paper

A. Bergeron Guyard and J. Roy (Canada)


Case-Based Reasoning, Maritime Anomaly Detection


Maritime domain operators/analysts around the world have a mandate to keep watch on what is happening on seas, oceans and other navigable waterways. Part of this mandate involves detecting situations which are anomalous and rep resent a potential risk or threat. Anomaly detection requires the analysis of a large amount of data, that surpasses the treatment capacity of human beings. Automated reason ing can help the analysts identify anomalies hidden in the the recognized maritime picture. This paper presents case based reasoning (CBR) and discusses how it can be ap plied to maritime anomaly detection. Advantages of CBR over other reasoning approaches are discussed as well as challenges relative to tailoring a CBR system for anomaly detection. Potential solutions for every challenge are dis cussed. Details of a way ahead for a CBR prototype devel opment are given.

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