Evaluating e-Health Services for Transnational Implementation WITHIN the Sparsely Populated Areas of Northern Periphery

U.-M. Pesola and E.L. Waterworth (Sweden)


Evaluation methods, Trans-national implementation, Underserviced communities and demand for telehealth, Case study.


Competitive Health Services in Sparsely Populated Areas Applications across the Urban-Rural Dimension is an EU funded project that focuses on transferring e-health services across the borders of Northern Periphery in order to increase access to healthcare in underserved communities. This paper addresses the evaluation methods used to asses the transferability of e-health services and the readiness of potential pilot sites to implement e-health services. The evaluations were conducted by using an interview manual compiled by the project team, e-health evaluation toolkit and an analysis on the services and organizations strengths and weaknesses, as well as possible opportunities and threats. Combination of these three methods has proven to be an effective method to evaluate e-health services and organizational readiness to implement new services, and it will be developed further during the project. As a result of the evaluations conducted within the project a total of 90 e-health services have been mapped and evaluated of which seven services have been chosen for trans-national implementation across the borders of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Scotland.

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