Fuzzy Loads with Demand Side Contingency Management for Reliability Assessment of Restructured Power Systems

A.P. Viswanath, L. Goel, and P. Wang (Singapore)


Customer Reliability, Contingency Management, Monte Carlo Simulation, Reserve, Load Curtailment bids. Nomenclature h index for Genco k index for customer v index for generating units i index for sampling state j index for system contingency state m number of Gencos p number of customers x number of units in Genco to supply energy y number of units in Genco to provide reserve s index for spot market (superscript) b index for bilateral contract (superscript) g index for generator (su


This paper introduces fuzzy elements in loads in the reliability evaluation of hybrid power markets. The resultant reliability indices provide useful information about the range of variation of the indices due to an unpredictable, or a fuzzy, variation of load. The change in reserve management due to system restructuring is introduced in the reliability evaluation technique by using supply and demand side contingency management model. A non-sequential Monte Carlo simulation technique based on this framework has been proposed to evaluate the customer reliability of restructured power systems with the hybrid market model. The modified IEEE Reliability Test System (RTS) is used to illustrate the proposed technique. This approach provides a useful tool for the ISO to study the impact of load uncertainties and market transactions on customer reliability indices.

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