Using Fuzzy Logic for Prediction of Occurrence, Aggravation and Pre-Nosological Diagnostics of Osteochondrosis of a Backbone’s Lumbar Region

N.A. Korenevskii (Russia), F. Ionescu (Germany), A.A. Kuzmin (Russia), and R.T. Al-Kasasbeh (Jordan)


Accupuncture, Fuzzy Logic, Diagnosis, Prediction of Occurrence, Osteochondrosis.


Osteochondrosis of lumbar region of a backbone became the most part among neurologic illnesses. Prediction and diagnostics quality improvement is one of effective ways to improvement of quality of health services for this category of patients. It allows making rational schemes of treatment-and-prophylactic actions. On the basis of data of the exploration analysis it has been established, that at the decision of the chosen type of problems investigated classes of conditions have considerable zones of crossings, and the space of informative factors has incomplete and fuzzy character. In these conditions the instruments of fuzzy logic of decision-making has been chosen in a combination to methods of the multidimensional data analysis. On the basis of the realized researches the system of fuzzy solving rules has been synthesized. This system solves problems of prediction of occurrence, an aggravation, early diagnostics of an osteochondrosis. There are two groups of informative factors in these rules. The first group is traditional informative factors. These factors are received by interrogations and surveys. Also together with these factors, energy characteristics of biologically active points are used. Used points have communications with investigated disease. The expert analysis, results of mathematical modelling and statistical tests on representative control samples have shown, that the confidence of accepted decisions makes 0.9. It allows recommending the received results to use in medical practice.

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