Load Balancing Efficiency in P2P Media Streaming

M. Alhaisoni, M. Ghanbari (UK), and A. Liotta (The Netherlands)


P2P, Load Balancing, Computational efficiency and Multimedia


Recently, P2PTV has started up-and-coming as a prospective alternate to the well known client-server applications such as IPTV, Video on demand and real time TV services; because it overcomes fundamental client-server issues and introduces some new features that help improving performance. The success of such P2PTV platforms has lead to several commercial applications showing good performance in terms of quality of Service(QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE). Both types of services (i.e., live TV and Video-On-Demand) have been provided by most of the P2PTV systems. Examples of such applications include Zattoo, Joost, Sopcast, and PPlive. However, P2P native support gives to these applications extra scalability, resilience, and the ability to harness computational resources. However, since end users offer their bandwidth, storage and memory to participate on the P2P networking, therefore, peers will be loaded as they contributing for many peers. Therefore, load evenly distribution is needed to be considered. So, in this paper, we are surveying most of the well know P2PTV applications in terms of the load distribution and balancing between computing and network resources. According to the findings, we propose different techniques to maintain load balancing between the end users. The proposed approach has been assessed using ns 2 simulator. Initial results show that the proposed technique is effective on distributing the load evenly.

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