Key Success Factors of Affiliate Marketing: A Case Study in Thailand

W. Limpchalerm, M. Thongmak, and A. Ngarmyarn (Thailand)


Advertiser, affiliate marketing, key success factor, andpublisher


In Thailand, affiliate marketing has been in many people’s interests since 2006. However, only small number of them still runs it nowadays. This shows that most of them may not succeed in affiliate marketing due to lack of knowledge and experience. This work is aimed at identifying key success factors of affiliate marketing. Quantitative research method is conducted and 111 questionnaires with online survey are collected. From the study, advertisers’ products or services which are consistent with the affiliate website and the market trend at that moment, lead to an increased number of click through. This is positively related to the conversion rate which can raise the profit rate, the measure of the success in affiliate marketing for this study. The results can be applied by both new and existing affiliate marketers.

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