A Unified Gateway for Home-Networking Environments

B. Park, T. Nam, S. Kim, and H. Kim (Korea)


Unified Gateway, Home network, Digital Living Networking, Digital Contents Management, Personal VideoRecorders, Implementation


The Convergence is of growing importance due to tons of digital devices that have developed independently and are undergoing deep changes, especially in home-networking environments. The home network is commonly constructed through a gateway that integrates such functions as home automation applications, digital broadcasting, and communication services. The contemporary systems have difficulty in developing a proper gateway to cover complicated applications and communications, because devices have hooked-up appliances and heterogeneous characteristics. In this article a novel architecture, Unified Gateway (UG) for home networking, is introduced that integrates these heterogeneous home appliances. UG extends the existing infrastructure to integrate heterogeneous home appliances. It uses IP as the interconnection protocol. By using IP as the gluing protocol, transparency to the heterogeneities of the individual home appliance is achieved in UG. We design and implement a UG based on such a new platform to integrated heterogeneous contents and applications control as includes DLNA, Digital Contents Management (DCM), and Personal Video Recorders (PVR). This manages and groups a variety of while providing home-networking services. New unified gateway is also developed to support seamless contents sharing between different home appliances.

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