Construction of a Dual-HD Videoconference System for Remote Lectures Connecting 18 National Universities

T. Sakurada, Y. Hagiwara, and T. Furuya (Japan)


Videoconference system, remote lecture, High-Definitiondual-video system, automatically controlled


This paper describes a design and the construction of a high-definition dual-video videoconference system connecting 18 Japanese national universities. We usually operate videoconference devices with a wireless remote controller. As for the operation, it is difficult if you do not know about the device in detail because there are dozens of buttons on the wireless remote controller. Moreover, because you must do the setting of MCU, it is more difficult to manage videoconference systems. Our constructed system has a touch panel instead of an existing wireless remote controller. We can operate a videoconference device control, HD camera and AV equipments (an audio amplifier and data projectors, etc.) from a touch panel. A touch panel is connected to the network using Ethernet, and an administration system of reservation. Furthermore, this system is also automatically controlled. A user can reserve it through a reservation system on the web, then a system turns on power and connects other sites with setting at reservation time automatically. This system is the first one in Japan, as for the remote lecture using high-definition dual-videos connecting Japanese universities from the north to the south. In the future, this system is expected to make advantages of usage with high quality videos and sounds, and used widely.

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