A Study on Traffic Localization Issue for P2P Content Delivery

M. Shibuya, T. Ogishi, and S. Yamamoto (Japan)


P2P, content delivery, traffic, BitTorrent, networktopology


P2P (Peer-to-Peer) content delivery architecture benefits content providers because it can reduce the server cost and the out-going traffic from their servers. However, the P2P architecture is not beneficial for ISPs because it consumes the expensive bandwidth of their inter-ISP links with the P2P generated redundant traffic. In order to reduce the redundant traffic in the inter-ISP links, several methods have been proposed so far to localize traffic within certain network segment by leveraging the hybrid P2P architecture. However, these methods still have issues on deployment capability and scalability. Therefore, we propose a network-aware architecture by introducing n-Tracker which is deployed easier and improves the scalability. By deploying n-Trackers in each network segment, the traffic can be localized within the segment. To validate the effectiveness of our method, we evaluated the traffic localization capability using the experimental setup consisting of about 50 PCs and the network equipments to simulate the subset of the commercial networks composed of FTTH and ADSL access links. The results indicate that more than 80% of traffic was successfully localized within the segmented network.

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