Mobile Robot Navigation using a Behavioural Strategy

P. Nattharith and R. Bicker (UK)


Mobile robot navigation, behaviour based architectures,motor schema, and Player/Stage architecture.


This paper addresses the issue of mobile robot navigation in an indoor environment. In the system, the robot needs to detect and avoid the obstacles and make its way to its desired location. Hence, the robot’s behavioural ability in avoiding obstacles becomes a major issue, along with its ability to plan a path to its goal. In the proposed work, a hybrid architecture is adopted. It combines two components: a deliberative architecture and a reactive architecture which is based upon a motor schema. Several perceptual and motor schemas are employed in order to facilitate both the aspects of local and global navigation. The deliberative planning creates the safe path using a wavefront algorithm. It is then passed to the reactive module in terms of a series of waypoints. These are treated as immediate subgoals and are used to form behaviours leading the mobile robot to achieve its goal without experiencing any collision within an optimum travel distance and reasonable amount of time. High level processing of the data is undertaken as part of the overall behavioural and path planning strategies, which require significant consideration and design in order to implement them as part of the Player/Stage architecture.

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