An Efficient Method of Contour Compression

A. Ukasha, A. Dziech, E. Elsherif, and R. Baran (Poland)


Polygonal approximation, contour representation, andcontour compression


In this paper, a novel method for the contour compression is proposed. This method is able to approximate efficiently a set of straight segments or points in a near optimal way in terms of contour quality. Representations of the input contour points are in Cartesian co-ordinates which are processed in such way to obtain vertices. Some of the vertices are chosen as the vertices of the contour polygon. The new algorithm has one main advantage compared to the existing algorithms, it is faster on implementation. The new approach is compared with the Ramer and Tangent methods of contour approximation. Computational time of analysed method is estimated depending on a number of numerical operations. This paper shows that the simplicity is additional distinct feature of the proposed algorithm. This paper gives an overview of the system architecture, describe the compression technique, and discuss implementation aspects. Experimental results are obtained both in terms of image quality, compression ratios, and image retrieval timings.

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