A Smart QoS Provisioning System for Voice over IP

Y.-F. Chang and Y.-C. Chen (Taiwan)


VoIP, real-time streaming, residential gateway, QoS provisioning


VoIP is a popular real-time service that carries voice data over the IP network with lower or even free cost compared to the traditional telephone service. To maintain an acceptable end-to-end service quality for real-time streaming application, the residential gateway must resolve the contention problem between the non-real-time and real-time services which access the Internet through limited bandwidth. In this work, we develop a SQPV (Smart QoS Provisioning System for VoIP) system that consists of three algorithms to deal with the bandwidth measurement, traffic shaping and congestion avoidance, which are commonly required by the residential service for QoS provisioning in real-time applications. SQPV deals with SIP/RTP sessions such as VoIP, experimental results show that SQPV effectively supports service quality provisioning for real-time streaming applications.

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