A Preliminary Finite Element Analysis of an Eddy Current Brake for Automotive Applications

K. Karakoc, A. Suleman, and E.J. Park (Canada)


Electromechanical brakes, eddy current, finite elementmodelling and analysis.


This paper proposes the use of a novel electromechanical brake (EMB) based on the eddy current principle as possible substitutes for conventional hydraulic brake (CHB) systems. An eddy current brake (ECB) system employs the interaction between an externally applied magnetic field and eddy currents generated on a rotating/conducting disk surface as its braking principle. ECBs have multiple advantages over the CHB systems, such as faster response, reduced weight and number of components, and ease of implementing various controllers (e.g. anti-lock braking), as well as reduced noise levels due to its non-contact nature of braking. However, the torque generated by typical ECB at low speeds is not sufficient to effectively stop a moving vehicle. Therefore, an ECB is commonly used as an assistive brake to the CHB system. In this paper, the use of AC magnetic fields is proposed to realize a stand-alone ECB system, in order to generate sufficient braking torque even at low speeds. To show the feasibility, a preliminary finite element analysis is performed for both AC and DC magnetic fields. The validation of our finite element model was done by comparing its simulation results to those of an existing analytical model of the ECB.

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