A Petri Net-based Tool for Modelling and Simulating Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

A. Bianchi and S. Pizzutilo (Italy)


Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks; Petri Nets; Modelling;Simulation.


Several tools are available for simulating the behavior of Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANET). The main disadvantages of most of them concern the difficulties in managing the synchronization among the components involved in the simulation. Secondly, these tools are just simulators, in that they measure performance, but they do not allow formal description of the system. The augmented Petri Net-based tool DEMONE (moDElling MObile NEtworks) is characterized by the capability to formally model MANET and to simulate their execution, and it proposes a new approach to synchronization based on the specific behavior of the hosts in the MANET. In order to validate DEMONE as a proper tool for simulating MANET behavior, we analyzed the performance of three different MANET: the results obtained in 3000 simulations are analogous to the findings reported in literature, but obtained with other simulators. This experience is an evidence of the ability of DEMONE in measuring performance of MANET.

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