3-D Modelling and Simulation of Tool Change Systems for the Virtual Production

R. Wischnewski and J. Rossmann (Germany)


Tool change systems, modeling, simulation


Virtual Production is carried out by many industrial enterprises – especially in German automotive industry – to assure the planning and the optimal operation of manufacturing facilities. These facilities often include robots and kinematic units with tool change systems which make special demands on the software tool used for 3-D modelling and simulation in the context of Virtual Production. In this paper, we will outline these special demands and describe a concept to allow easy integration of tool change systems into whole virtual production plants. The concept regards mechanical, pneumatic and electrical aspects of the components. Furthermore, the approach uses a two-level modelling concept to allow both modelling of complex behaviour in detail and later use of one-time pre-modelled components. As teaching robots with tool change systems often requires handling different tool center points, we will also propose a solution for this problem. Finally, the integration of the concept into a software tool for the Virtual Production is presented, and a first application to verify the practical use of the concept is given.

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