Greenhouse Gas Emmision Reduction by Biomass Co-Combustion with Lignite

M. Matei, L. Matei, B. Soare, O. Nedelcu, C. Salisteanu, I. Udroiu, and S. Mihaescu (Romania)


GHG - Greenhouse Gases; EU-ETS - EU – EmissionTrading Scheme; IPPC - International Panel on ClimateChange; NAP - National Allocation Plan; RES Renewable energy sources


In the context of the ambitious objectives of the climate and energy agenda of the EU, to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% by 2020, Romania, as Member State of EU, has to full transpose and implement the EU legislation and policy. Biomass use for electricity and heat production represents the solution for CO2 emission reduction at the new and existing heat and/or power plants. The objective of the paper is to assess the benefits which would be obtained by biomass use for co-combustion with lignite at the existing power plants in Romania. The paper presents a study case concerning the CO2 reduction which could be obtained by the co-combustion lignite-biomass at a 420 t steam/h lignite fuelled boiler in different running conditions, as well as a monetary quantification of these results, considering that the range of allowances price on EU-ETS are between 10 and 30 euro/t CO2. The case study took into consideration the influence of boiler load on CO2 emission, as well as the number of working hours/year. The biomass thermal input was considered between 5 and 50%. The case study showed that important financial benefits by trading CO2 emissions reduction will be obtained. The available allowances would be sold on the market, the revenues being used for environment investments. There is an increasing of the commercial risk associated with the incertitude of future price of the allowances.

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