A Decommissioned Landfill Reclamation Case Study: Belle Park, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

S. Speer, P. Champagne, and B. Anderson (Canada)


Landfill reclamation, passive treatment, case study


The reuse of decommissioned landfills as recreational sites and green space is becoming an increasingly popular reclamation strategy. However, there are concerns associated with the potential for people and animals to come in contact with soils and groundwater that were contaminated by previous land use practices. To mediate these risks, there is a requirement to treat the soil and groundwater beyond the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s requirement for landfill site, which requires containment of groundwater contaminants at landfill sites. The containment of groundwater and control of the leachate production are site specific and based on the geology, hydrology and climate of the specific region. Since the reclaimed sites are intended for public use, esthetics of the area are a concern; the treatment system must be as discrete as possible. Conventional active treatment systems are quite visible, while a pumping barrier can be easily concealed, particularly when the leachate is pumped to an off-site wastewater treatment facility. Passive treatment alternatives can achieve treatment efficiencies similar to active treatment systems, while mimicking or enhancing the natural character of the area. The Belle Park landfill in the city of Kingston is an example of a decommissioned landfill, which has been reclaimed as a nine-hole golf course.

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