Reduction in Emmision of Biogas Released from a Small Pig Farm in Thailand

T. Wongwuttanasatian and K. Wichettapong (Thailand)


Biogas, pig farm, pelletizing machine, green house effect,global warming, bio-fertilizer


Small pig farms having biogas system generally release some unused biogas to the atmosphere because they only use the biogas for cooking and lighting in households while the biogas produced is oversupply. The released biogas from small pig farms can be approximately 600,000 m3 per year in Thailand. This causes green house effect and then global warming. This work aimed to utilize the biogas effectively and completely so that there is no longer released biogas from the farms to the atmosphere. Moreover, the residue of the biogas system was pelletized to be bio-fertilizer. The pelletizing machine was designed to operate with biogas instead of traditional diesel fuel. Thus, a diesel engine was little modified to run by biogas in combination with diesel fuel. The pelletized fertilizer was proved to be a good fertilizer having high N-P-K nutrition for plants. For economic aspect, this project has a payback period of 1.31 year and internal rate of return of 82.06%. By using the unused biogas and the system residue to be value added, it is a double benefit. This can reduce biogas emission equivalent to about 500-600 tCO2 per year per farm and thus global warming can be improved.

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