In-Situ Capturing of H2S(g) Associated with SAGD Operations

N.N. Nassar and M.M. Husein (Canada)


H2S, sorption, heavy oil, metal oxide, sorbent


During SAGD process, aqua-thermolysis, which describes the chemical interaction of high temperature and pressure steam with reactive components of heavy oil, leads to the breaking of C-S bond and the formation of H2S(g). H2S(g) poisons catalyst, corrodes pipelines and poses a big risk if escapes to the surface or adjacent aquifers. Therefore, a method to capture H2S(g) and convert it to a chemically inactive product as soon as it forms during in-situ recovery and upgrading is necessary. This work describes the application of ultradispersed colloidal metal oxide particle sorbents for in-situ capturing of H2S(g). The colloidal particles; including FeOOH, Fe2O3, MgO, CaO and ZnO, were prepared in-situ within heavy oil matrixes using (w/o) microemulsion methods for nanoparticle preparation. While FeOOH showed very high sorption kinetic and capacity, at higher temperatures, typical for SAGD operation, ZnO performed the best.

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