Facing Logistic Challenges and Quality Issues of e-Examination in Medical Education with a Mobile System

J. Krückeberg, V. Paulmann, V. Fischer, and H. Matthies (Germany)


E-Assessment, Electronic Examinations, E-Learning,Evaluation, Quality Management


The article describes the introduction of a mobile system for electronic examination (e-exams) at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) and the experiences of the first years of its operation. Emphasis is placed on describing the problems arising from the large number of examinations that have to be held in testing rooms with limited resources. Therefore, the key elements of mobile system that were used as technical solution are highlighted in this article. Results from evaluations of students´ acceptance of the system are discussed. Furthermore the e-exam system´s contribution to facilitating a sustainable quality management process is outlined, in terms of the coordination of the exams, its construction and analysis.

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