Controlling Communication Processes in e-Learning Scenarios

F. Bodendorf (Germany)


E-Learning Control, Multichannel Management,Communication Model, Process Management


An approach to improve communication processes in e-learning is introduced. A concept to design these communication processes is presented. A process model comprises predefined general communication patterns found by empirical studies of various course scenarios. Communication patterns associated with communication channels and tools are building-blocks of communication processes. A prototype system is depicted that supports both students and teachers in their communication endeavors. It helps to design communication processes as well as to control and streamline the communication flow that accompanies the content delivery and processing of e-courses. The system consists of administration, configuration, communication, moderation, and monitoring tools. Finally, a case study illustrates the system’s potential in specific e-teaching/e-learning scenarios and presents some findings coming from an empirical study on the system’s usability.

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