A DVD Movie-based CALL System to Enhance Learner Motivation and Promote EFL Learning

T. Okura, T. Koyama, and J. Noguchi (Japan)


Software and hardware systems for Web-based education,commercial DVD movie, CALL, copyright issues


A motivating learning environment is essential for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners who are not exposed to the target language in everyday situations. We focused on movie-based English language education using commercially available DVDs because they allow students to learn both linguistic and meta-linguistic features simultaneously. This paper describes the features of Caption Master in Excel® for CALL (Okura [1]) and a case study using Caption Master in an EFL class. This courseware was used for a face-to-face teacher-led EFL class of 32 university students in Japan from April to July 2008. Over ten weeks, the students were assigned listening exercises related to scenes from Toy Story (Disney [2]). These could be done both during and outside of class. There were also comprehension, summary writing, and dictation tasks. The results of the questionnaire after the sessions indicated that the students were motivated by and interested in the activities using Caption Master.

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