Building Extensible Information Portal System for Elementary and Secondary Education

N.H. Arai and R. Masukawa (Japan)


K-12, cloud computing, content management system,collaborative group


Our project team has been developing a content management system called NetCommons since 2001. Unlike other major content management systems that provide only content management functions, NetCommons also provides groupware and learning management functions. By using NetCommons, one can easily and inexpensively integrate distributed educational functions, such as school homepages, e-learning, groupware, and information archives, into one. One can provide this software as a service: he/she can install more than 100 NetCommons on one server and provide the service to more than 2000 users at the same time. So far, more than 1500 schools have adopted NetCommons as their school portal system in Japan. In this paper, we report on new functions that we added to NetCommons. We added functions for backing up virtual collaborative work spaces and moving and copying virtual spaces. Using these functions, teachers can easily move their virtual work spaces from one site to another. Another new function we added is one for creating sub-groups inside a group. Using this function, a group of students can manage their own virtual work space under the supervision of a teacher.

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