Design and Implementation of a Course Visualization Platform

T. Sumiya, O. Yamakawa, K. Yasutake, H. Inoue, and T. Tagawa (Japan)


Software and hardware systems for Web-based education,course management system, course visualization, studenttracking data


Using Course Management System, various useful data such as student tracking or grades are accumulated in the system. They will be useful for improvement our class. Although data format and the method to retrieve data depend on CMS, the analysis or visualization method may be common and shareable. Here we propose a software structure of course visualization platform for spreading course visualization practice to e-Leaning community. This platform, that is called VisP is constructed as a block module for open source CMS Moodle. VisP also needs a module mechanism for data retrieving part and visualization part. So it imports learning data from various CMS, and we will share visualization method as a VisP module.

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