Constructing a Personalized Learning System for an Online 3D Virtual Museum

L.-P. Hung, C.-S. Wang, C.-L. Ho, and C.-C. Liu (Taiwan)


Web-based Education (WBE), Intelligent TutoringSystem (ITS), recommendation system, clusteringanalysis


Building an effective tutoring system has become the trend of the development of Web-based education (WBE). Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is such a system that benefits both students and teachers. In this paper, we propose a personalized learning system for distance education based on the concept of ITS. This system is embedded with four modules that interactive with each other to produce adaptive learning content for students with different learning interests. The proposed personalized learning system is applied to the construction of an online 3D virtual museum. Due to the reason of massive amount of calculation in the transmission of 3D images, we incorporate the method used in recommendation system, clustering analysis, in the building of the 3D virtual museum that only deliver selected objects or images online museum visitors might be interested in. The problem of information overload can be avoided and online museum visitors’ learning interests are enhanced.

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