Opportunities and Challenges of Distance Education: Perspective of Educators

D. Rutkauskiene, E. Butkeviciene, G. Rutkauskas, and E. Karazinas (Lithuania)


E-learning, distance education, virtual university, attitudesof educators.


In today’s world the use of ICT becomes one of the most influential factors that determine both the present performance and the future conditions for the person. Information communication technologies (ICT) change conditions of work and education: the increased demand for qualified personnel, new types of jobs and the emphasis on knowledge and information. In this context it is very important to understand the concept of e-learning and principles of distance education as well as to investigate how theoretical concepts of distance education are being implemented into practice. This paper presents data of empirical investigation that focuses on the attitudes of educators towards distance education and reveals the main tendencies in diffusion of information about distance education, motives for using different kinds of ICT in the education, and the problems educators meet providing distance education courses.

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