The Study of the Semantic Relationship among Figures, Sentences and Sound-Narrations

N. Nagata and T. Okamoto (Japan)


Qualitative analysis approach, Contents analysis ,Contents construction, Semantic relationship, Synergyeffect


On e-Learning, the quality of learning contents is very important for the purpose of guaranteeing learners’ achievement. The aim of this study is to develop the method of qualitative analysis for extracting characteristics of e-Learning contents. In order to solve this problem, the contents-designers must consider semantic relationship among figures, sentences and sound-narrations on e-Learning contents. Therefore, we propose a method of contents analysis and construction for “characteristics on frames” in contents. On the basis of this analysis, we propose a method for contents construction. The problem with contents construction is related to the Instructional Design technology. Furthermore, we propose the methodology to compose effective learning contents based on educational psychology and linguistics in consideration of individual differences. In comparison with the previous researches on this subject, our research is aimed to find out “synergy-effect” from the meaningful relationship among figures, sentences and sound-narrations ; we take a qualitative analysis approach from the point of view of cognitive and linguistic semantics. Moreover, we take up originally the problem of the semantic understanding of “Frame” from the view of cognitive and psycho linguistics. Also, we try to test “synergy-effect” for the compound contents among figures, sentences, and sound narrations.

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