Computer based Education: The Impact of Engagement Level and Learning Style Effects on Performance

T. Rodgers (UK)


Computer-based-education, student engagement, learningstyles, teaching effectiveness


This study is a quantitative-based analysis of the end-of year examination grades from a module delivered using a mixture of classroom lectures and computer-based sessions. It is identified that e-learning engagement had a positive and statistically significant impact on performance. An additional hour of computer-based participation is found to increase a student’s mark by approximately 0.75%. The paper also finds evidence of personal characteristic-related differences in teaching effectiveness. It is found that female students benefited significantly less from computer-based learning than did their male counterparts. Tentative evidence is also found that students from poorer economic backgrounds obtain a greater benefit from a computer based delivery medium. It is concluded that this study has identified two potentially significant pedagogical issues in respect to computer-based teaching. The results indicate that to improve teaching effectiveness and academic achievement, teachers should consider developing delivery strategies that maximize engagement and also take into account learning-styles differences.

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