A Web Authentication System using Location Information from Mobile Telephones

H. Takamizawa and K. Kaijiri (Japan)


Authentication, Mobile telephone, GPS, Web-basededucation, Geocoding API


Currently, the authentication process for personal information on e-learning w ebsites allow s an im poster to access someone’s account. It has always been difficult to verify whether the person logging into an account is actually that person. Normally, only a username and password is required, allowing multiple users to utilize the same account either willingly, as is the case with spoofing, or unw illingly, as is the case w ith username misappropriation. We have suggested an authentication method using a mobile telephone, which makes it more difficult to access an account falsely. Using a mobile telephone in this way allows access to that phone’s subscriber ID; in combination with the username, password, and the time stamp from the mobile phone, it provides a more accurate identification process. Also, in using base station location (or if available, GPS), even more information can be verified. In this study, we propose a method to acquire user location information from his or her mobile phone, so that it can be used as another requirement in positive identity verification.

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