Addressing Sustainability for Research Initiatives in Mobile Learning through Scalability

A. Wingkvist and M. Ericsson (Sweden)


Evolutionary Life Cycle Model, Mobile Learning,Reflection, Research Initiatives, Scalability, Sustainability


Understanding research initiatives in the field of mobile learning involves dealing with complexity. It is important to gather knowledge on how to nurse these attempts. To develop ideas and reach wide deployment of novel mobile learning is of great value. In this paper there is a discussion of the factors that describe attributes of mobile learning research initiatives and an investigation of whether these are sustainable or not, and what this means. Sustainability for mobile learning initiatives is essential for the wide acceptance from both public and academia. The paper also addresses scalability of mobile learning research initiatives. Scalability is a term used to describe how well something can grow to suit an increasing complexity, and is addressed as a possibility to reflect on good ideas. Scalability is important in order to reach sustainability. Finally, this paper introduces a model that illustrates the evolutionary life cycle of a mobile learning research initiative. The model presents four evolution stages and these are: Idea, Experiment, Project, and Release.

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