A Survey of Software Engineering Practices in the Software Industry

A. Zainol and S. Mansoor (UK)


Software engineering, software development, softwareengineering practices, software process models.


This paper reported a study of investigation into software engineering practices in the Malaysian software industry. The study was conducted to gain an insight into the extent to which the software engineering practices have been adopted by the organisations in Malaysia. The study was conducted on randomly chosen companies, and the questionnaire was design to use descriptive statistics on the data collected. The study has shown the current state of software engineering in the Malaysian software industry. From the result, it can be concluded that the software industry is lacking of employing recent software process models, sophisticated tools, techniques and approaches during software development. The industry also having difficulties in delivering software within schedule as well as the reason for software failure is pertaining to requirements factor. This indicates that requirements area is one of the research focuses in order to help the companies produce correct and high quality software.

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