Saving and Restoring Server Side Information for Regression Testing of Web Application

Y. Imazeki and S. Takada (Japan)


Regression Testing, Web Application, Server Information


The regression testing of web applications is very important because, compared with general applications, their requirements change more frequently. Some regression test support tools can save the input and output of web applications. These tools reexecute previous tests by restoring saved input, and then automatically compare the resulting output with the saved output. However, these tools focus only on client side information such as HTTP request/response, and do not handle server side information such as database and session variable (HTTP Session). In this paper, we propose a regression test tool for Web applications, which supports both server side and client side information. For input, our tool handles HTTP request, database, session variable, and server time, while HTTP response, database, and session variable are handled for output. Our tool can save and restore these inputs, and save and compare the outputs. These functions make possible the automatic regression testing of web applications.

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