Simulation Modelling of Managing a Maritime Shipping Organisation using System Dynamics

A. Munitić, J. Dvornik, and S. Dvornik (Croatia)


System dynamics, shipping organisation, simulation andmodelling.


System dynamics simulation modelling is one of the most suitable and most successful scientific methods of modelling of dynamics of complex, non-linear, natural, technical and organisational systems. System dynamics models are basically continuous models, as the subjects are presented by a set of non-linear differential equations, i.e. “equations of state”. However, they are also discrete, as their basic time step, i.e. sampling “DT” is defined in full accordance with the Sampling Theorem (Shannon, Nyquist and Koteljnikov). In this model a shipping company is divided into several separate units: commercial department, account balance, ships’ capacities, debits, credits, loan department, goods to be transported by vessel. This paper presents system dynamics simulation models of subsystem of account balance and subsystem of ships’ capacities, and the simulation of performance dynamics of the entire shipping organisation.

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