Hijacking Swarms

S. Kazadi, J. Chang, and R. Han (USA)



Swarms are defined by both their local and global behaviors. Swarm Engineering concerns itself with discovering classes of local behaviors based on local sensing and actuation which guarantee global properties of swarms emerge from any of the class of behaviors. One design requirement of swarm systems is that the swarm be capable of withstanding perturbations, deliberate or accidental, that occur in the behaviors of the individual agents. In the natural world, some swarms exploit the behaviors of other swarms in order to hijack the victim swarms, generally as a predatory behavior. In this paper, examine the cases under which a swarm can be hijacked. We demonstrate that a general set of conditions exist under which a swarm and some subset of its global properties may be hijacked. Swarms not satisfying this set of conditions may be hijacked only by overpowering them.

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