A Neural Networks based Variable Structure Control Scheme for Induction Motors

O. Barambones, P. Alkorta, A.J. Garrido, I. Garrido, M. De la Sen, F.J. Maseda, and Itjiar Martija (Spain)


Neural Netwoks, Induction Motor Control, Robust Control, Modelling, Simulation.


This paper presents a speed control of an induction motor. The design uses an feedforward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to implement a rotor speed estimator, and a robust control strategy based on the sliding-mode. The proposed control scheme also make use of the field oriented control theory to simplify the proposed control design. The stabil ity analysis of the presented control scheme is provided us ing the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally simulated results show that the presented controller with the proposed ob server provides high-performance dynamic characteristics and that this scheme is robust with respect to plant param eter variations and external load disturbances.

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