Robust Feedback Control of Two-Equation System Crowd Models

S.A. Wadoo and P. Kachroo (USA)


Evacuation modelling, distributed control, robust control, Lyapunov redesign, robust backstepping


In this paper we present design of robust nonlinear feedback controllers for a model representing crowd dynamics. The model is presented by a system of partial differential equations based on the laws of conservation of mass and momentum. The equation of motion is described by a nonlinear partial differential equation. We address the design of robust feedback control for this model in a distributed setting where the problem of control and stability is formulated directly in the framework of partial differential equations. The feedback control is designed in presence of both matched and unmatched uncertainties. The goal is to design a controller so as to minimize the effect of uncertainties on the movement of people during evacuation. The control design technique adopted is feedback linearization, Lyapunov redesign and robust backstepping. .

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