Multiple-Aspect Malicious Code Detection for Component Survivability in Distributed Environments

J.S. Park, G. An, and A. Suresh (USA)


Component survivability, malicious code detection


As information systems develop into larger and more complex implementations, the need for survivability increases. When components are exported from a remote system to a local system under different administrative settings and deployed in different environments we have to guarantee the proper execution of those remote components in the currently working environment because the remote components may have failures or malicious codes that can affect the local computing environment. In this paper, we address a multiple-aspect testing approach, which is able to increase the possibility of detecting a fault in a component by having various ways possible to conduct the test on the components. We have implemented a prototype that provides for the multiple-aspect testing for the downloaded components in runtime without access to the source code. Finally, the implementation of the multiple-aspect testing is evaluated and analyzed in terms of detection performance and accuracy.

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