Nanorelief Coatings with Increased Surface Area of Functional Groups for DNA Immobilization

N.V. Annenkova, E.N. Danilovtseva, S.I. Belikov, and V.V. Annenkov (Russia)


Nucleic acid, immobilization, genetic analysis


The coatings described in this work are based on film forming organic polymers with grafted oligosiloxane chains. The composition was synthesized by acid catalyzed hydrolysis and condensation of alkoxysilanes in the presence of polymers bearing active groups, capable of reaction with alkoxysilanes or products of their hydrolysis: hydroxy, acetal, epoxy, vinyl ether. Microphase layering between 3D silica nanoparticles and polymeric chains results in nanorelief "hilly" surface of the film. Oligosiloxane particles obtained from alkoxysilanes are chemicaly active which allows to introduce various functional groups during synthesis of the coatings. The resulting surfaces show high density of the desired groups: up to 900 nm-2 in the case of amino groups and up to 300 nm-2 for epoxy, carboxy and hydrazide moieties. Covalent immobilization of oligonucleotide to these coatings opens way to new systems of genetic analysis and purification of nucleic acids. Surface density of immobilized oligonucleotide active in hybridization was up to 10 pmol/mm2 . We also hope new coatings and free standing films could be useful in design of immune and chemical sensors.

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